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The Power of 39 – Walking the Windy City!

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The Power of 39 – Walking the Windy City!

AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer blew into the Windy City this past weekend for the third walk of the season. More than 1,600 Chicago participants, including Avon Representatives, 248 breast cancer survivors raised $4.1 million dollars! Those walkers included Scott White, CEO of New Avon LLC, who participated in his first AVON 39. At Sunday’s closing ceremony, seven grants were announced that will immediately make an impact in the Chicago area, and more grants will be awarded throughout the year. Long-time Springdale Associate Tari Tripp, Director, Contact Center & Returns, also earned her 39. She’s an alumni walker and told her story live on TV to Good Day Chicago Saturday. Watch Tari’s interview as she talks about her personal journey with breast cancer, the inspiration she finds in her son and her motivation for walking year after year. There are four more walks to go! Next up is Boston, July 9-10.

Interested in Joining Team Avon? Click here or sign up on your own to support your local AVON 39 event!


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