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Skin So Soft change presentation

Skin So Soft is one of Avon’s best-selling and most popular product lines. In 2015, we conducted an in-depth pricing analysis and determined that SSS bath and body oils were significantly underpriced compared to similar products in the marketplace. In fact, research showed the average price consumers paid for similar bath and body oils was about 75% higher per ounce than the current SSS prices.
All Skin So Soft bottles have been completely redesigned with a fresh, new look.
We’ll introduce a new and improved body wash formula with increased lather.
We’ll enhance the Signature Silk line with silk proteins and illuminator technology, and will rename it Radiant Moisture. It will still feature the same great fragrance as Signature Silk.
We’ll launch the brand-new Skin So Soft Triple Phase Oil. Its unique blend of three precious oils (macadamia, argan and babassu) nourishes, protects and hydrates skin like no other product.


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