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Espira Power Greens

Power Greens
Espira Power Greens - 1

tastes great and ultra healthy!

Add a salad to your shake! The low-calorie, nutrient-rich power blend of 50 organic greens and superfoods contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help support your overall health and well-being.† Espira Power Greens is perfect for the 87% of people who are not eating their daily recommended amount of vegetables.

• 30 servings
• Easy way to supplement your daily vegetable and fruit intake 
• Includes organic greens and superfoods with probiotics 
• 6 grams of fiber for good digestion (more fiber than an apple)
• Contains dairy-free live probiotics 
• No artificial colors or flavors
• No preservatives 
• Vegan
• Gluten-free
• Non-GMO
• Less than 30 calories per serving

This is the comment of 1 person who already try it!!!
This stuff is Amazing!  **** It is a fantastic blend of #superfoods including greens, fruits, fibers, pre and probiotics and mushrooms - all of the healthy stuff that I normally don't get enough of. And it is sweetened with a new non-bitter version of stevia, so it actually tastes like a good green juice smoothie! It has a dark green color, but doesn't have the bitter taste of greens. I first tried this in smoothies with almond milk and fruit, but then realized that it really doesn't need milk or fruit to cover the taste (I am used to the flavor of whole grains). It is not gritty and mixes very easily with water, which is how I've been using it recently.

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