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Glimmersstick on Sale !!!!

Glimmersstick are one of Avon’s hottest sellers and they are all on sale in Campaign 7. At the lowest price this year, only $2.99, it’s a great time to stock up on all your favorites. Available for eyes, brows and lips. Intense color that last for hours.

Hurry this sale won’t last long! Prices valid through 5/30/18.  @

Make your eyes POP with more intensified shades with Avon True Color Define your eyes with perfect precision with the creamy smooth glide-on color of Avon True Color Glimmersticks Eye Liner. The rich color you see is the same color you get. Also available in WATER PROOF and  DIAMONDS which gives you a smooth sparkly finish.
Easy to use application. Swivel point up to desired length (no more than ¼ inch), and draw a fine line along upper and lower lash lines, as close to the lashes as possible.

Glimmerstick Color Chart

The following chart gives you an idea of all the beautiful colors available in Glimmersticks. And with True Color Technology, the color you select is the color you get when applied. 


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