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Avon Scholarship

Dear Representatives,
From the day of our founding, Avon has promoted the importance of education. For our Representatives, we provide valuable learning and development opportunities throughout your journey as independent business owners.  
To further this commitment, the company created the Avon Foundation for Women in 1955, with the mission of improving the lives of women and their families. The first grant was a $400 scholarship. Our scholarship program for Representatives and Associates has continued to grow over time, and today we are proud to have awarded nearly 3,600 scholarships and over $9 million to date.
I am excited and honored to announce the winners of the 2017 Avon Scholarships in partnership with the Avon Foundation. 22 Representatives will receive $2,000 for part-time studies and $4,000 for full-time studies that lead to a degree or certificate at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, vocational or technical school. In addition, 48 children and grandchildren of President Recognition Program (PRP) members will receive $4,000 for a full-time course of study at an accredited two- or four-year college or university. Join today just go to :
We are very proud to be offering this important benefit to support the education of our Representatives and the children and grandchildren of our President’s Recognition Program members.
Congratulations to our 2017 scholarship winners and their families!


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