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Networking is the Key. a great testimony

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Networking is the Key to Success for Avon Representative Kim Rowland
Whether hosting a fundraiser or traveling three towns away, Avon Gold Ambassador & President’s Council Representative Kim Rowland is always pursuing opportunities to reach new customers.

“Like the original Avon lady, I still go door-to-door, and advertise in the local hair salon and grocery store. Reaching outside of my immediate community is what helps me gain new customers,” said Kim about her approach to building her Avon business.

Kim also uses all of the tools available to her: Avon brochures, mark. magalogs, mobile apps and the Avon Social Media Center.

After leaving her teaching career due to medical issues, Kim decided to join Avon as a social outlet but discovered the experience was so much more.

“My first year as an Avon Representative was easier than I imagined! I love that my new business gives me the opportunity to meet new people and earn money at the same time – it’s more than [just] selling makeup,” said Kim.

She regularly travels and distributes brochures in new neighborhoods which gives her the opportunity to meet new people. Living in Pennsylvania, Kim has also built a strong customer base with the nearby Amish community.

Kim takes advantage of opportunities to connect with people outside of her day-to-day circle. Events are a great venue for Kim to showcase Avon products, and she often uses the tips she learns in What’s New. “I’ve been able to grow my business by word-of-mouth. Event coordinators and customers from 30 miles away have reached out to me,” said Kim.

Building on events, fundraisers give Kim a platform to give back to her community, build her business and sell more.

“[They’re] not just good for business, they’re just good to do,” says Kim, who hosts Avon fundraisers for her hometown parade, the “Corry Fest” and her local Relay for Life event.

Still in the early stages of creating her social media footprint, Kim also makes it a practice to post new product info to her Facebook page and Pinterest boards. She often adds her personal experience with the product and comments from her customers to give her sales pitch more of a personal touch. For Kim, learning more about Avon as she goes is key.

“Avon University’s online courses and skin care tutorials are very good and helpful,” said Kim. Short tutorials like “Placing an Order” to “Growing Your Sales” gave her the basics she needed for managing her business.

“The Avon University Skin Care course was a great companion course to the in-person Avon Skin Care Clinic I attended in Erie, Pennsylvania,” said Kim.

She regularly connects with other Representatives and follows some of their blogs. “Everyone is so friendly and willing to share regardless of their District or Division. I will often take a look at fellow Representative Emily Seagren’s blog ahead of each campaign and promote the product or feature on my Facebook page.”

Kim finds that Avon’s holiday book opens the door to seasonal and higher end product sales. “I love the layout of the Avon Living magalog. It’s really eye-catching,” said Kim.

It’s no surprise that Kim was recognized as one of the top selling New Representatives (1 year and under) for Avon Living products.

“Building an Avon business takes time. You get what you put into it. For me, the benefits are that I get to be in charge, manage my time and make my business what I want it to be by providing more options to my customers,” said Kim. shop @


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